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655896c13f17dea642a9fe5bMarketing Management Consultancy ServiceMarketing Management Consultancy Service
Business / Industry Type Hospital , Hotels, constructions, corporate ,small business , schoo & institutions etc.,HOTELS,FITNESS,SMALL BUSINESS,INDUSTRY ..ANY TYPES OF BUSINESS
Start Date / Month Octobor
Mode of Service Offline, Marketing,sales,customers satisfaction and much more
Type of Service Provider Research Company,Company,Individual
Functional Area State Wide, Nation Wide, International, Local Area
Types Door to Door Marketing Service, Digital Marketing Service, Offline Marketing Services
Mode Of Service Online
Customisation Customised
Marketing Channel Client to client
Service Charges 20000
Required Man Power 3
Requirement 5
Source Language English, marathi,hindi
Target Group 1
Transportation Mode Any
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Month

We manage all types of marketing servicess. We provide best Marketing consolation service not only in mumbai , but also provide all over maharashtra and all over india.

INR20000In Stock

Marketing Management Consultancy Service

₹20,000  Month

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