Multi Stage.CJgen Drawer Magnets.which:are available \n different styies to suit specific application needs. Drawer Magnets consist.of rows oCround magnetic tubes.that are:assembled into.drawers. The tubes oCthe drawer magnets are aligned on alternating centers from the row directly above or below it.
The powèrful magnets atthe neck of the molding rnachïne stóps:thefImv of fhe tràmp material dfrectIy:Iütothernachine parts. Oardravvdr rnagriet§ àré:very esserttfal.engIneerIng.prüducts whlch:are.úsed fòr prótecf¡ng
:moIdiõgrnachine4: rndlds árid dles.
SKU-LXW3EBKROTT4Multi Stage.CJgen Drawer Magnets.which:are available \n different styies to suit specific application needs. Drawer Magnets consist.of rows oCround magnetic tubes.that are:assembled into.drawers. The tubes oCthe drawer magnets are aligned on alternating centers from the row directly above or below it.
The powèrful magnets atthe neck of the molding rnachïne stóps:thefImv of fhe tràmp material dfrectIy:Iütothernachine parts. Oardravvdr rnagriet§ àré:very esserttfal.engIneerIng.prüducts whlch:are.úsed fòr prótecf¡ng
:moIdiõgrnachine4: rndlds árid dles.